- 81 different selectable characters, each with 5 attacks.
- 25 maps, mostly DBZ original maps!
- Loads of different ki attacks including controllable, homing, and chargeable attacks (no guns).
- Toggleable flight.
- Offhand melee combat
- Re-"charge"able ki energy for ammo, flight, and speed/power boost.
- Power level determines the strength of attacks, speed of movement,max health, max ki, ki charge rate, and what attacks are available.
- 5 different game modes: FFA, 1v1, Team DM, Last Man Standing Team DM, and Giant Monkey mode.
- Numerous new player animations.
- Head and full body transformations, selectable aura, ki trail,scalable attacks, big explosions, playable third person mode, firstperson vis mode.

Game Types:
- Death Match: Players start at ~50,000 PL. Additional PL is gained foreach kill. On death, the PL of the player resets to the average of allother PLs.
- Tourney: Same rules as DM, but with only two players at a time.
- Survival: This is a faster paced tourney mode. Two players fight.When one player dies, he is removed from the fight and the spectatorwho has been waiting longest enters the game. The winner does not gethealed in between rounds, and the scores of spectators are visible. Thefirst player to reach the fraglimit is the winner, and the map restartsin order to set the spawn power level back to the g_basepl setting.
- Team DM: Same rules as DM, but with teams.
- Team LMS: Last Man Standing. If you've ever played clan arena youshould know this mode. Players start at 1 mil PL, and players who diecan not respawn until the next round.


- 81 different selectable characters, each with 5 attacks.
- 25 maps, mostly DBZ original maps!
- Loads of different ki attacks including controllable, homing, and chargeable attacks (no guns).
- Toggleable flight.
- Offhand melee combat
- Re-"charge"able ki energy for ammo, flight, and speed/power boost.
- Power level determines the strength of attacks, speed of movement,max health, max ki, ki charge rate, and what attacks are available.
- 5 different game modes: FFA, 1v1, Team DM, Last Man Standing Team DM, and Giant Monkey mode.
- Numerous new player animations.
- Head and full body transformations, selectable aura, ki trail,scalable attacks, big explosions, playable third person mode, firstperson vis mode.
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Game Types:
- Death Match: Players start at ~50,000 PL. Additional PL is gained foreach kill. On death, the PL of the player resets to the average of allother PLs.
- Tourney: Same rules as DM, but with only two players at a time.
- Survival: This is a faster paced tourney mode. Two players fight.When one player dies, he is removed from the fight and the spectatorwho has been waiting longest enters the game. The winner does not gethealed in between rounds, and the scores of spectators are visible. Thefirst player to reach the fraglimit is the winner, and the map restartsin order to set the spawn power level back to the g_basepl setting.
- Team DM: Same rules as DM, but with teams.
- Team LMS: Last Man Standing. If you've ever played clan arena youshould know this mode. Players start at 1 mil PL, and players who diecan not respawn until the next round.
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